Soft skills: Leading employees
Solve conflicts
“Those who have to deal with each other also cause trouble for each other”
Wherever people work together, there are conflicts. You know that. Conflicts between managers and employees, conflicts with customers, conflicts within the team. Do you just wish that your employees and managers were better at conflict management?
How not to deal with conflict
Do you see that some of your leaders Avoid arguments? Are you afraid of conflict and don't dare to openly address contentious issues? Then conflicts simmer - with all the negative consequences that come with it.
Or do you also have Managers who go into combat mode very quickly? Who do everything they can to win? And forget that they usually have to continue to work together with the conflicting parties?
In this way relationships are often destroyed and future cooperation is difficult or even impossible. If your managers are not involved in the conflict themselves, but are supposed to mediate in conflicts between others, are they even more helpless? Do they try to persuade those involved or put their foot down and then wonder if the conflict is not resolved in the long term?
Resolve conflicts constructively
Neither harmony-seeking nor argumentative – being able to deal with conflict means making yourself and your concerns heard confidently and courageously. And in doing so, recognizing that other people have different viewpoints, assessments and interests. It means ensuring that emotions do not boil over and creative Finding solutions that are feasible for both sides.
Mediate in conflict
A manager is obliged to intervene if employees cannot resolve their conflicts themselves. Unfortunately, some well-intentioned discussions end with the parties becoming even more involved in their dispute in the presence of the manager. Managers trained in conflict moderation, on the other hand, manage not only to bring the parties together at the table, but also to make it easier for them to to understand each other’s needs and to reach viable agreements.
How your managers can improve their conflict management with us:
You will learn to develop a positive inner attitude towards conflicts and within conflicts. You will be given the tools for constructive conflict resolution. You will learn what they do the moderation of Conflicts must be considered and practice such conversations.
We also discuss how you as a manager can and must make decisions in conflicts between employees if conflict mediation does not produce the desired result. We support your managers for positive discussions.
How you benefit:
Unresolved conflicts create friction and tie up unnecessary energy. This energy can be used again for more useful purposes as soon as the conflicts have been resolved. This increases performance as well as motivation and mood in the team!
Training modules
Enquire now:
Leading People in Projects
Manage projects professionally. Develop leadership skills and learn team leadership.
3 days
Level 3
Coaching and Supporting Employees
As a manager, support employees with problems and challenges – and at the same time ensure their further development.
2 days
Level 4
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