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Lack of willingness to innovate

Strengthen your customers’ trust in new technologies!

Encourage the customer to change!

Our training makes it easier for your consultants to win over your customers for innovative solutions.

You can use new technologies
difficult to sell?

Do you hear from your consultants that they are unable to convince customers to support meaningful innovation?
Instead, customers choose the tried and tested solution again – and not the one with the greatest potential benefit?

Why your customers shy away from innovation

Innovations often create fears and concerns among customers.

They cannot accurately assess the impact and fear potential problems. Especially when the innovations are not only of a technical nature but also entail organizational changes. In this case, they prefer the seemingly safe solution. And thus miss the opportunity to make their company more efficient and future-proof.

How reluctance to innovate harms you too

You too are feeling the negative consequences: you are losing exciting projects, the reputation that comes with them and, of course, revenue. Your sales team and consultants are becoming increasingly frustrated when they are unable to convince customers of promising solutions.

Would you like to know how you can change this?

Ask about our training courses without obligation!

Build trust!

  • In sales and consulting, your employees need more skills to give your customers confidence and security for upcoming innovations.
  • The fundamental skill is to build trust and a reliable relationship in order to be recognized as a "trusted advisor". To do this, the concerns and fears of the customers must be taken seriously. At the same time, the core of the advice is to encourage customers to pursue innovative approaches and thus create positive change.
  • It is easier if your employees can identify potential that brings real benefits to the customer company. To do this, they must know the technology well, but above all understand the situation, problems and goals of the customer.

Develop economic and strategic benefits

Another key success factor is how your consultants explain the innovations to customers. Too often they focus on the technology and the features. Instead, they should discuss with customers what problem the innovation solves and what added value it offers. And this concrete benefit can be very different for each customer!

The better your employees work with customers to identify real added value and the more desirable this is for the customer, the more likely they are to invest in an innovative approach – despite initial concerns.

So what is the added value for you?

You win more innovative projects and can demonstrate that you are always at the forefront of technological progress. Your customers are happy when you help them create additional benefits with new technologies. This way you gain reference customers. This not only leads to more orders, better sales and higher project margins, but also strengthens the licensing business. And last but not least, your employees are happy to work on innovative projects and to develop themselves further.

Which skills should your employees improve?

Enquire now for a suitable training!

Training & continuing education programs

Suitable training:


Solution Placement as a Consultant

Working out the specific benefits precisely – this is how your consultants inspire customers with innovative solutions.

3 days

Level 2


Selling as a
Trusted Advisor

Prove yourself to decision-makers as trustworthy – and thus provide better advice and sell more.

3 days

Level 3


Selling to
Executive Levels

Involve all decision-makers in complex sales processes and win with value selling.

3 days

Level 3

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